
Crocodile chomps off zoo worker's arm

A zoo worker from Taipei, Chang Po-yu had his forearm reattached on Thursday after being severed from the mouth of a 17-year-old 440-pound Nile crocodile.

The verterinarian tried to retrieve a tranquilizer dart from the crocodile's hide but failed to notice the crocodile was not fully anesthetized when he stuck his arm through an iron rail to medicate it.

As Chang was rushed to the hospital on Wednesday 11.04.07, a zoo worker shot 2 bullets at the crocodile's neck to retrieve the forearm.

The crocodile was unharmed as they didn't find any bullet holes on its hide & probably was shocked & opened its mouth to let go of the limb.

The zoo purchased the crocodile from a local resident who had kept it as a pet.


Unknown said...

surely the vet needs training the beast was still alive surely the vet would need assistant in trying to tranqulise the crocodile

Yan said...

Yes I thought so too. The vet should have double check on the croco first before doing anything on it.