
Forces of Nature - "Hurricanes"

Hurricanes developed over the Alantic or eastern Pacfic Oceans.

Once the tropical storm's winds hit a constant speed of at least 74 miles (119 kilometres) an hour, it becomes a hurricane.

During its lifespan, which can be anywhere from one day to several weeks, a hurrican can vary wildly in size & strength.

The direction of the storm's winds - always counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere & clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere, due to the Earth's rotation.

Its powerful combination of strong winds, heavy rains and storm surges can cause widespread ddestruction.

1954 - HAZEL
1955 - DIANE
1965 - BETSY
1969 - CAMILLE
1972 - AGNES
1976 - LIZA
1988 - GILBERT
1989 - HUGO
1992 - ANDREW
1997 - PAULINE
1999 - FLOYD

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